When Bladen said he wanted a Super Hero Squad party I got excited. I have always been such a comic book lover & the Avengers are my favorite.
The first thing on his "must" list was an iron man cake. He just wanted a cake in the shape of iron man's head. That was easy enough. I just baked two 9x13 cakes, stacked them on top of each other, & carved them into the shape of iron man's head. Frosting it was easy peasy. It was only 3 colors.
Bladen was SO happy with his cake.
The colors were red, blue, & yellow. . . basically the main colors of the Super Hero Squad.
Bladen has been waiting for his birthday since all our February birthday parties. Sometimes it's hard when all your siblings have a bunch of birthdays right in a row & yours is a few months later. But it was finally his turn & he was thrilled.
We had to have his party on a Friday night after school because of all the busy things we had on Saturday so because it was at night, we made it a pizza party.
We had pizza, Thor hammers (aka cheese sticks & pretzels), & Hulk punch.
The kids were super giggly & silly. I love kids.
The first game we played was "pin the light on Iron Man." Each kid got the chance to stick the little light on iron man's chest while blindfolded.
They all got pretty close too.
The 2nd game was the highlight of the party. Everybody put on Bladen's new Hulk hands, & got the chance to HULK SMASH some ice cream cones.
I demonstrated for them. And after the howling of giggles, the kids lined up ready to have a turn.
They all gave me their best Hulk faces & then smashed the tar out of those ice cream cones. Let's just say my house literally looked like Hulk had hit it by the time we were done.
Even my girls got in on the fun.
Lorien insisted on dressing up like Scarlet Witch for the party so seeing her Hulk Smash as Scarlet Witch was pretty funny.
Cadence wanted to play SO bad too, but knew she was "too old/cool" for that. . . but her childish side got the best of her & she smashed those cones to smithereens.
Notice Canyon's face in the background. He was laughing so hard he couldn't breathe. He thought this was the funniest thing he'd ever seen before. It was HILARIOUS. |
Even Canyon got in on the action.
After cone smashing, we tried our best at Hulk Smashing the piñata.
Eventually, all the candy fell out,
and there was a mad dash to grab it all up first.
Canyon got his 2 smarties & was perfectly happy about it.
After the piñata, we went back to the dining room for cake & ice cream.
Everyone loved the cake. It was fun hearing the requests:
"I want a piece of the eye!"
"I want an ear!"
"I want his mouth!"
After cake & ice cream, we let Bladen open his presents from his friends.
Grace was so sweet. Her baby brother had hurt himself right before the party & her mom had to take him to the ER. She dropped Grace off on her way, but left the gift in the car. Grace was SO upset about it. She's such a doll. On Monday she dressed up in her prettiest dress & brought Bladen's gift to him at the bus stop. It was the cutest thing ever. He got some coloring books & a fun knight & horse action figure. These two are BFF's! |
Reggie gave Bladen a whole set of awesome cars. |
Liam gave him a dinosaur book, a tennis game, & a captain america binoculars. |
Grant gave him some dinosaur 3D puzzles & Pokeman cards. |
And Nathan & Sarah gave him a batman jet. SO COOL. |
It was a really fun party. Everyone had a blast. Happy 6th Birthday Bladen Man. We love you.