Thursday, June 20, 2024

Craiger's 13th Birthday Party - Glow in the Dark

Even though Craiger's official birthday is in February, he wanted to wait until Cadence got home to have his birthday party so she could be part of it.

Less than 24 hours after we got off the plane from Mongolia, we threw a big party with 15 teenagers in our house.  Trek & I were SO exhausted.  It's a miracle the whole thing played out as well as it did.  Craiger had a blast, his friends had fun, & overall, it was a pretty cool party.

Nancy (my friend in CA) sent us a bunch of fun glow in the dark things for the party.  Everything was neon so it would glow in the dark well.  Then we had UV lights all over the house which made the neon glow SUPER bright.  It was super cool actually.

Nancy even sent us some glow in the dark paint, so all the kids painted their faces so they'd glow in the dark.

For half of the party, we walked over to the middle school & played glow in the dark ultimate frisbee & glow in the dark kickball.  The boys LOVED that.

Then we came back for ice cream sundaes (no cake this time because Craiger doesn't like it) & presents.

The favorite gift of the night was a human sized tortilla blanket.  The boys were having WAY TOO MUCH FUN with that.

It was a great party to celebrate Craiger.  We love him so much.


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