Thursday, August 29, 2024

Trek's July

Trek had a long summer helping run field training in Alabama, but he also found a little bit of time to have fun between the 18 hour shifts & an occasional day off every 10 days.  Here are some of my favorite pics from his Field Training Adventures.

He managed to go to the Birmingham, AL temple twice during the 2.5 months he was there.

Buckee's became one of his favorite stops between Alabama & Georgia (where he was bussing over 500 cadets a week to & from the airport).  He loved shopping at Buckee's & buying FUDGE every time he got the chance to go there.

He also had the opportunity to meet up with several friends from his past. . . friends from our time at Hill AFB, Germany, & his friends from HIGH SCHOOL.  How cool is that?


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