Thursday, August 29, 2024

YW Girls Camp 2024

Girls Camp this year was a lot of fun.  This was my first year going as a leader here in UT & it was Taya's 2nd year in the ward.  We drove up to Ogden Canyon (up by Eden) to a beautiful little campsite up there.  We spent 4 days just spending time together as young women doing crafts, swimming, hanging out, eating, hiking, & having fun.  I think all the girls had a great time.

Unfortunately I couldn't stay the whole time because I had to take care of my parents as well as pick Craiger up from his drone camp in Price.  I ended up driving back & forth to camp for 2 of the days & then missed out on the last 2 days.  The girls did everything they could to try to keep me from leaving.  I truly wished I could have stayed.  It was so much fun.


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