Friday, June 21, 2024

Easter Egg Hunt 2024

For our Easter Egg hunt this year, we did it at my parents' house.  My dad had just found out that he has lung cancer & wasn't feeling great, so we decided to do it at his house so he & mom could be part of the fun without having to move around too much.

Trek had fun playing with his drone & I had fun filling a bazillion eggs & hiding them all around their backyard.  We invited the cousins over because cousins make everything more fun.  I'm so glad we're back in UT near family again.  It has been a lot of fun doing things as a family.

The kids were "kids" during the hunt. . . even the "adult" sized "kids."  They always have way too much fun darting after eggs, stealing from each others' baskets, & sabotaging each other so they can find the most.  They are stinkers.

After the egg hunt, we came back to our house & colored easter eggs.  My kids love it.

Easter time is so much fun.  I love these traditions we have as a family.


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