Friday, June 14, 2024

Istanbul/Mongolia Trip - Wednesday, March 13th, 2024 - Mongolia Day 2 - Chinggis Khan Statue

Wednesday morning we woke up bright & early & I got to work out with Cadence which was super fun. We did some personal scripture study together & then got ready for the day. We had purchased some Mongolian milk & yogurt the night before from a convenience store so we ate that for breakfast. The yogurt was amazing, the milk was . . . well, it tasted like sour grass. It was awful to my American taste buds. I can’t believe Cadence has been drinking that for the last 1.5 years.

Our driver picked us up at 9am & we drove 1.5 hours to the famous Chinggis Khan statue. It is literally in the middle of nowhere, but it’s massive. We went into the visitor’s center & paid to go up to the top of the statue (there were stairs inside the horse that allowed you to go up to the very top). Trek asked if they’d allow him to fly his drone from the top of the horse’s head & the security guard said that we could if we paid him $50. That was the best $50 we ever spent. We had SO MUCH FUN with that drone up at the top of the statue. We took the stairs to the top & were the only ones up there for a while. We did have a few tourists show up while we were there, but we definitely took our time so we could get pictures of the statue from every angle thanks to the drone. Trek was like a kid in a candy store. It was worth every penny just to see how excited he was. (He ended up making the best video ever from his drone footage.). Afterward, we explored the visitor center, let Cadence hold a Mongolian eagle (that was bigger than she was), & then made our way back to our driver.

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