Monday, February 29, 2016

Craiger's 5th Birthday Family Celebrations

Craiger has been waiting for his birthday breakfast all week long.  He couldn't wait for his Dinosaur Egg oatmeal, scrambled eggs with cheese & bacon, & a birthday breakfast ding dong.

Good morning birthday boy.

I still can't believe this little guy is 5 years old.  It seems like only yesterday he was a little itty bitty baby in my arms.  He has grown into such a sweet & cuddly little young man.  

Lorien spent her money & bought him a Sully Disney Infinity character to play.

The younger brothers & sisters got him a Kylo Ren light saber.

Mimi & Baba & Mamoo got him a Marvel lego game for the Wii U & Rise of the Guardians movie.  He was SUPER excited about both of them.

Opa & Oma got him a bike helmet & some Star Wars characters for Disney Infinity.

Uncle Justin, Auntie Cari, & his cousins sent him a dinosaur mosaic craft set.  We've been playing with these all morning.  He loves them.

Cadence bought him a little lego set.

Our fairy godmother - Nancy sent him a cute shirt, monster truck, star wars beach towel, book, & a star wars scooter.  He was WAY excited about that scooter.

Canyon LOVES to photobomb every picture.  It cracks me up.

Trek & I gave him his very first set of legos.  He now has a whole box of fun to create.  He's loving it.

For his birthday dinner, he asked for macaroni & cheese & grapes.  He was such a happy little man.

Happy birthday Craiger!

Craiger's 5th Birthday Party - Star Wars

Craiger has been SO excited about his Star Wars birthday party for months now.  It was going to be a fun one.

I made light sabers out pool noodles & duct tape.  Each of the kids got to pick their own lightsaber & then drew buttons, screws, letters, pictures, etc on the handles of their light sabers to make them their own.

The birthday boy was VERY excited to have his friends over to play.

We also made some storm trooper balloons for our Jedi Academy training.  Once they got their light sabers, they had to go through an obstacle course & attack storm troopers, practice their light saber technique, do a bunch of somersaults . . . because . . . it looks cool.

And to end the Jedi training, each guest had to fight Darth Vader.

Craiger wanted cupcakes instead of a big cake this year which was fine by me.  Cupcakes are SUPER EASY compared to decorating a cake.  We made Darth Vader cupcakes with sprinkles, just the way he wanted them.

I can't believe Craiger is 5 already.  Where does the time go?  I sure do love this cuddly cutie pie.  He's always been my one & only "momma's boy."  I don't know what I'm going to do without him next year when he starts Kindergarten.  I love him so much.

Craiger chose a blue light saber & decorated it up himself.

I think the kids enjoyed the obstacle course the most.  I was getting a kick out of all the twists & twirls & somersaults!  So cute.

After the obstacle course, we played a game of Star Wars Memory (I forgot to take pics), the boys really loved that.  Those boys are SO smart.

Then we went to the table for some cake & ice cream.

Canyon especially loved the black chocolate frosting.

The final part of the Jedi Training was defeating Darth Vader himself.

Bladen managed to break the piñata into a billion pieces.  Candy flew everywhere.  The kids were SO excited.

Finally, we came inside & opened presents.  Craiger has the cutest little friends here.

Happy Birthday little guy.  I hope your day was as special as you are to me.  I love you.

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Lorien's Family Birthday Celebrations

Saturday, after her Disneyland party, we had a mini party for Lorien where she got to open up her presents from family.

Her big sister Cadence gave her $10 to spend on whatever she wanted.  She's been saving up for a Rainbow Dash Build a Bear so she's going to use her money to help with that.  Rainbow Dash doesn't come out again until March 10th so we've got it on our calendar to go then.

This little crazy kid has learned the art of photo bombing.  He now wants to be in every pictures making funny faces at everyone.  He kept photo bombing all of Lorien's pictures.  Little stinker.

Our fairy godmother Nancy sent Lorien some beautiful clothes, shoes, a purse, & some fun girly things like chapsticks & a journal.  Lorien loved it all.

Auntie Tylee came down from San Francisco to celebrate with us & she brought Lorien a huge bag full of Lorien's favorite thing in the world - GUM
She also put some money into Lorien's college fund.

Auntie Marc came up from Santa Cruz & celebrated with us too.  She gave Lorien a beautiful journal & some markers to write in it.  She also brought some yummy treats & chapstick.  And like always, she put some money into Lorien's college fund.  My kids are so blessed to have such wonderful Auntie's.

Opa & Oma sent Lorien the Inside Out movie as well as a beautiful cello necklace.

And Uncle Justin, Auntie Cari, & all the cousins on that side of the family sent the Jurassic Park characters for Lego dimensions as well as some new discs for our Disney Infinity game.  The kids are hooked on that Lego game.  It's a fun one & it's SO exciting when you get a new character to play with.

Lorien's brothers & sisters gave her her favorite Disney character - Maleficent to add to her Funko collection.

And Trek & I got her a Kindle Fire.  On Black Friday we managed to score this for $35 which was amazing.  She was SO excited to have her own tablet.

For her birthday breakfast, I made her chocolate chip pancakes, scrambled eggs, & a Potter birthday breakfast ding dong.

She was pretty happy with it all, even if it was the crack of dawn on a Sunday morning.

I can't believe Lorien is already 11.

For her birthday dinner, Lorien wanted a potato & chicken casserole, caesar salad, & nectarines.  She was in heaven.

Happy birthday Lo.  You bring so much joy into our lives.  We love you SO much.