Thursday, June 22, 2017

Last Day of School Fun

The last day of school is always the best day of the year.  The kids are happy. . . mom is happy . . .  the teachers are happy.  It's just a great day.

Unless you're Craiger.  Then it's a sad day.  I'd like to say he was upset because he loved school & his teacher SO much (which he did), but no, he was sad because I made him let me comb his hair for pictures.  Little stinker.  I sure love him.

But the kids were excited to be done with school & to start summer vacation.

While the kids were at school, I ran to Krispy Kreme & picked up 8 dozen donuts for all the kids on base.  We've been so blessed to have busses on base since January so it's been fun seeing how many kids get on & off the bus each day.  I decided to surprise all the kids on base with donuts & water guns to celebrate the first day of summer.

Craiger was ready to get the water fight started.

It was hilarious.  When the middle school bus pulled up to the bus stop, all the parents had water guns in hand aimed at the door of the bus.  All the teens on the bus screamed & laughed & it wound up being SO MUCH FUN.  We soaked them, chased them, they chased us, & then we all had some delicious donuts.

Then it was time for the teens to attack the elementary kids.  The elementary bus showed up 30 minutes later & this time we had parents & teens with water guns waiting for them to exit the bus.  There were even more screams of delight this time.

It was a blast.  I love being a mom!  I love summer!  Happy summer vacation everyone!

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