Monday, November 6, 2023

Cadence - Юмгүй дээ - September 19, 2023

 Сайн байцгаана уу ах эгч нараа! I hope everyone is having a wonderful week so far. As the fall approaches, the weather has gotten colder and colder. I am so excited for it to be cold again! With the approaching fall, I've also had the chance to make pumpkin cookies and pumpkin bread this week! While visiting a member, she gave us 3 freshly grown pumpkins and it felt like literal Christmas! I love pumpkins!

This week, many of our amazing investigators have been going through the ups and downs of coming unto Christ. It is always difficult to watch them struggle through discovering what they believe or want to believe as we progress in the lessons, especially because I know of the truthfulness of the things we teach. I know that the things we teach can bless their lives, but part of helping bring people to Christ is supporting them with patience and love as they develop faith on their own. It is so hard yet seeing them come to church and seek understanding is a tender mercy to me. Also one of our sweet investigators, Uilst, is working up the courage to convince her dad to let her join the church. So please keep her in your prayers and pray that her father's heart will be softened.

Our English class is steadily growing which is awesome! We had 5 new (adult!) students come to class yesterday which was a miracle! Class was chaotic because they all brought their 3 year olds - trying to teach English while kids bang on the piano and climb on stacks of chairs is a little stressful but it worked out okay. I love my English class because they are so eager to participate in the lessons here. There have been classes in the past that barely say anything but these students want to learn all they can which is awesome!

We also had the opportunity to visit many sweet members this week which was fun. Unfortunately, many members are struggling with really difficult challenges and it breaks my heart. But I am thankful that through Christ we can find hope. I am thankful I get the opportunity to share that message with all of the sweet members in need of some hope. It's still difficult to see them struggle. However, I just imagine how much harder it is for God to see us struggle since His love for us is even greater. I know that God gives us trials so that we can grow stronger and so that we can grow our faith. All trials are given to us for our good and that is something I love about life. Life is hard, and the mission is hard, but we can always overcome through our faith in Christ and through striving to be better. 

Other fun stuff:
- We got to pick berries at Oyuntsetseg's house!
- It rained 3 times this week!
- I've consistently learned 20 new words every day this week (finally haha)
- We did an exchange with the Erdenet sisters which was super fun!
- We also had interviews with President which was awesome!
- I taught the bishop how to check his email (it took 45 minutes)
- We got to help a cute lady in the ward at her job at a hospital - we carried stethoscopes and thermometers and a bunch of other stuff around the building for a bit. She also left us with the keys to the entire hospital haha
- I finished my 3rd mission journal this week

Today I officially hit 1 year as a missionary! One year ago today, I had no idea what I was getting into, but I was excited for the adventure that awaited. On this day one year ago, I studied 2 Nephi 28: 30 which says:

30 For behold, thus saith the Lord God: I will give unto the children of men line upon line, precept upon precept, here a little and there a little; and blessed are those who hearken unto my precepts, and lend an ear unto my counsel, for they shall learn wisdom; for unto him that receiveth I will give more; and from them that shall say, We have enough, from them shall be taken away even that which they have.

Over the course of my mission, I have come to know that this is true. There have been times where I have become frustrated with the language, or members, or my companion, or the work, or with myself because I didn't have all the answers. But Heavenly Father has all the answers. He knows what is best for us. That is why He expects us to trust Him. Little by little, He helps us grow and learn and understand. I am thankful for the opportunity I have had to deepen my trust in God throughout this year. I am learning so much from Him and from the people I have met on this journey. I am excited to tackle the last 6 months with all my heart, might, mind, and strength! I love you all and hope you have a wonderful week!

Sister Potter

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