Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Welcome Home!

August 5th, Trek finally made it home after being in Alabama for 2.5 months.  We missed him so much!

Lorien & the older kids picked him up from the airport.

I was at play practice with Canyon.  His play started August 9th so this was the final few days of dress rehearsals.  He did NOT know Trek was coming home!  I met Trek & the kids in the parking lot while play practice was going on. . . 

When it was time for Canyon to do his big solo number as a pioneer soloist, I had Trek walk into the theater as he was singing.  You can totally see the look on Canyon's face when he realizes his Dad is there.  It was a precious suprise.

It felt SO good to be a complete family again.

I stayed until dress rehearsals were done, then we went home & spent the evening together as a family.  It was wonderful.


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