Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Trek Across America - Day 5 - WE'RE FINALLY HOME

I can't even begin to tell you how excited I was when we saw this sign:
"Virginia Welcomes You."

Hallelujah!  We were almost DONE.

Our new area was only about 4.5 hours from Charleston so it was a short drive on Day 5.  The minute I saw the sign for Williamsburg, I started getting butterflies in my stomach.  This was our new home.  This was my exploration stomping grounds for the next 4 years.  I was actually moving to the birthday of the United States of America.  Boy was I excited.

The only battle I would have to face was the infamous James River Bridge.  This bridge was once the longest bridge in America.  Did I mention my fear of crossing bridges?  This puppy is 
It's basically a road floating on water.  I hate being surrounded by water.  It completely & utterly freaks me out.  This was going to be my one crutch in this area.  We live across this bridge in the sticks.  It's a cute little town called Carrollton.  If I want to get anywhere or do ANYTHING other than sit at home, I have to cross this lovely bridge.  I was terrified.

Okay, so I cried.  I cried good & hard the first 3 times I crossed the dumb thing.  Now I cross it 8 or 9 times a week with no problems.  I even forget I'm on the water half the time.  Thank heavens for the strength of overcoming fears.

And here we are!  Our rental house in Carrollton, VA.  We will only be here until April, but it's a beautiful home for us until then.  In April we will be moving 2 minutes up the road to
Yes, we bought a house.  How crazy are we?  We are so excited we can't stand it.

But for now, we're living in our own little piece of heaven out in the beautiful forests of Virginia & we love it.


  1. Hi I'm Heather! Please email me when you get a chance, I have a question about your blog! LifesABanquet1(at)

    1. Just type your question here & we'll see if I can answer it. I don't really do emails from my personal account for security reasons, but I'm really good at getting back to you through responses on my blog posts. Hopefully I can help. :-)
