Friday, November 15, 2019

Halloween 2019

Well, another year has rolled around & you know what that means for the Potters . . . 


This year was hard because it was an overseas move which didn't allow me to sew as much as I would have liked to.  My sewing machine was packed in April, & I didn't unpack it until September.  I still haven't found any fabric stores here that supply the type of fabric I need for my costumes, so this year we ended up reusing a theme we've done in the past & I added a few new costumes to it.  Opa & Oma joined us for Halloween so we got to dress them up too.

My dear sweet husband, who is always SO supportive of my Halloween shenanigans, shaved his head AND EYEBROWS for his character this year.  He's a good sport.

So the Potters welcomed Halloween in 2019 as Harry POTTER characters.

Trek as Voldemort
Dani as Professor Trelawny
Opa as Dumbledore
Oma as Professor McGonagall
Cadence as Luna Lovegood
Lorien as Bellatrix Lestrange
Taya as Hermione Granger
Bladen as Draco Malfoy
Craiger as Ron Weasley
and Canyon as Harry Potter

Our church always puts together a really fun Halloween party & trunk or treat.  This year I was in charge of the cake walk with Taya, Lorien was in charge of a balloon dance room, & Cadence was in charge of face painting.  The boys got to walk around with Opa & Oma to play all the games before dinner.  We all had a blast.

The Halloween dinner is ALWAYS a chili cook-off.  Over the years Trek & I have learned that to do a chili cook off right, you need muffin pans so you can actually taste all the chilis.  They were all delicious this year.

The teens all ate with their friends.  I'm glad they have such good friends here.

The church party was a huge success.  We handed out full size candy bars for the trunk or treat (because that's my family tradition).  Our family won best costumes & surprisingly I won the chili cook off too.  I've never won a chili cookoff before.  It was exciting.

The very next day was actual Halloween.  Halloween isn't a holiday here in Germany, but because so many Americans live here on the German economy, you can find little neighbourhoods that do allow trick or treating.  The village next to ours has a ton of Americans & so there is a whole housing area that does trick or treating.  We went there this year.  It was great because even the Germans play along.  A LOT of the houses we knocked on were Germans & they handed out the best German candies ever.  I loved hearing the little German kids saying trick-or-treat too.  It makes my heart happy that 2 different cultures can live together so peacefully & learn from each other.

We had a lot of fun & the best part is that because the neighbourhood here was so small, we weren't drowning in candy.  It was the perfect amount for the kids to enjoy without being completely sugared out.  It was a great Halloween.

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