Tuesday, May 5, 2020


One of my favorite German holidays is Hexennacht. . . or witches night.  April 30th, every year, all the women in the German villages dress up like witches & dance around bonfires all over the country.  It's their way of warding off winter & welcoming spring.

You all know I love costumes & I keep EVERYTHING, so I made a trip to my costume closet & pulled out some costumes that work for witches.  We all dressed up after we put the boys to bed & played around as witches.

We had a little too much fun.  We couldn't build a bonfire in our area without a fire pit so we decided to "fly" instead.  We were laughing SO hard at how high we were jumping on the trampoline.

The girls tried to get some pictures on their brooms that made them look like they were flying.

A friend of ours took that picture & dolled it up to make it look like they were playing quidditch.  We laughed SO hard at this.

After everyone goes to bed on the 30th, the teenagers in each village plays tricks on their neighbors.  They hide trash cans & garden gnomes, put shaving cream on doorknobs & cars, toilet paper houses, etc.  It's kind of like our April Fool's Day.

My girls hid our Nintendo Switch with all it's controllers so that the boys couldn't find them.  When the boys asked us where the Switch was, we all acted like we didn't know what they were talking about.  We told them we've never had a Switch before, just a Nintendo Wii U.  There were tears, there was a whole lot of confusion, then there was a ton of laughter.  Poor Craiger actually started to think he dreamed that we had a Switch.  He was SO confused.  Poor kid.  It was really funny though.  They laughed in the end.

May 1st is May Day in Germany. . . the celebratory welcome to Spring.  A May pole is set up in the village square where they attach flowers, sausages, & pretzels & raise it high above the buildings.  Ribbons flow from the bottom & the people in the village dance around it.  We didn't get to do that this year because of the Coronavirus, but WELCOME SPRING all the same.

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