Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Prom 2020 - Quarantine Style

We dedicated all of Saturday to our Quarantine Prom.  The girls were SO excited.  They've been talking about it all week.  Since we didn't have a prom dress for Cadence, & because all the stores are closed right now, we decided to go the vintage route & break open the costume closet which also houses ALL my dresses from my high school & college dances.  I still have them all & it was fun watching all 3 of my girls take turns trying each & every single one of my dresses on.

They were having so much fun & then they turned to me & said, "Mom, you put them on too.  We want to see what you look like in them!"  I about died.  It's been 21 years since I graduated high school.  I've had 6 kids since then.  I told them no, but they kept begging ensuring me that at least one of them would still fit me.

Much to my absolute amazement, all except 2 still fit.  They may have been a little more snug than I remember, but they zipped up.  It was kind of empowering to tell you the truth.  I fit in both of my high school prom dresses!

This pink dress was the dress I wore to my Senior Prom.  It was  also the dress I wore on my first date with Trek.  SO many memories are tied to this dress.  I was thrilled it fit me.  The girls told me I needed to wear it to our prom here at home & surprise Trek.

After picking out a perfect dress for each of us, we started dolling up for the day.  We did face masks & then painted our fingernails & toenails while we watched one of our favorite movies, "Ever After."
One of my very best friends took me to my Senior Prom.  For our date, we made cars out of moving boxes & "drove" them to a "drive in" where he had a big screen TV set up & we watched the movie "Ever After."  It was kind of fun doing the same thing for Cadence's Prom.

After movies, we started the make-up process.  We each took turns doing each other's make-up.  My girls love playing dress up.  This was my favorite part.

After make-up was complete, we stared playing with each other's hair.  Cadence braided Taya's hair into a beautiful half up-do & half down.  I put Lorien's hair in curlers, then attemped to do an up-do on Cadence.

After hair & make-up were complete, it was time to get in our princess dresses.  That was the girls' favorite part.

They were so beautiful.  They looked like royalty.

We got the boys dressed in suits & we danced the night away.  We danced inside, we danced outside, we danced & jumped on the trampoline. . . it was just fun.

Trek had to work most of the day, but he was able to attend our Prom at about 8:30 pm.  We were almost completely worn out by then, but there's always time for Daddy.

I did get my dance with my sweetheart.  Trek even commented . . . "Is that the dress you wore on our first date?"  He noticed.  It was so sweet.  I love that sweet man of mine.

Finally, at 9pm, we decided we should probably eat some dinner.  We ordered Turkish & had it delivered to our house.  It was delicious after a full night of dancing.

I also bought 2 cheesecakes (Cadence's favourite) for dessert.

It was a FABULOUS night.  We had a blast.  We had so much fun, half the kids fell asleep while we watched movies afterward.  Canyon obviously fell asleep with an M&M in his mouth.  He had orange EVERYWHERE when we finally put him to bed.  We cleaned him up first & made him brush his teeth.

Happy Junior Prom Cadence!  We know it wasn't as good as the "real thing" but thank you for letting us be a part of your special night.  We love you.

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