Wednesday, July 26, 2023

Lorien's Scholarship Assembly

Lorien applied for SO MANY SCHOLARSHIPS this year.  Her sister did the same thing 2 years ago & got 0 scholarships.  I tried to prepare her by letting her know how competitive scholarships are these days.  I didn't want her to get her hopes up.

When she got the email from the school saying that she needed to be at the scholarship assembly, she got REALLY excited.  She knew she had gotten something, but she didn't know what or how much it would be.  ANYTHING was better than nothing.

Much to our surprise, she got TWO SCHOLARSHIPS.  The first was from a sorority on the base.  She laughed when I told her to apply for that one.  She thought she had to be a member of that sorority to get a scholarship there, but I told her the scholarships were for anyone so she applied.  And SHE GOT IT.  There were 3 prizes awarded & she got the 2nd level.  It was a $500 scholarship & she was THRILLED.

She also received one of the KMCC scholarships put out by the Enlisted & Officer's Spouses Clubs.  They collect money all year round from the bazaars & other spouse sponsored events on base, then turn around & give it back to the kids for college.  I love their program so much.  They awarded 60 scholarships this year & Lorien got one.

Her name is called at 00:34 on this video . . . 

Her name is called around 4:18 of this video. . . 

Much to our surprise, it was a big one.  She got the $2000 scholarship award.  She was elated about that.  It was a huge amount for the KMCC scholarship.  We are so proud of her.

She has the best group of friends!  They all took home several scholarships.  I love that when kids work hard & hang out with other hard working kids, it really pays off in the end.  These are the LDS kids at our school.  They all go to church together & are best friends.  While we were at the scholarship assembly, there were two men behind us as we were taking pictures of these kids & one man said to the other, "Who are those kids?  They got all the big scholarships!"  The man standing next to him replied, "Those are the LDS kids.  Those are the kids you WANT your kids to be friends with."  Hearing that from a complete stranger warmed my heart.  These kids ARE the kids you want your kids to hang out with.  They are honest, hard working, kind, exceptional kiddos.  I am so proud of every one of them.

Congrats Lorien!  You are amazing & we love you so much!

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