Thursday, April 11, 2024

Cadence - Possessed Lady & Baptism Invite - 2/26/24

Сайн байцгаана уу!

How are you all doing this fantastic week? My week has been extremely eventful and stressful haha. But it's alright because the Lord is strengthening and hastening His work here.

For starters, we had a huge turn out again in Sacrament! Around 60 people came including 10 investigators! It was crazy too because the Asia North Area President and West Stake Presidency came to our sacrament for no particular reason. They just decided to pick our ward and it was a good thing because our Asia North President shared some good messages about coming to sacrament meeting consistently every week. I think the people who were there on Sunday definitely needed to hear that. 

Also random side note but there was a possessed lady at sacrament. It was lowkey so scary. The Sukhbaatar sisters warned us that she punched someone in their sacrament and kept insulting and swearing at everyone so I was on edge when I saw her come in to our sacrament. She kept sitting next to random people and talking to them until they were super uncomfortable and they would get up and move. Then she would move to the next victim. She almost started talking to our investigator but thankfully didn't. Thankfully she also wasn't super violent in our sacrament meeting - just a bit uncomfortable.

Church ended up being good but right after we went to Khan-Uul to get Sister Negui's patriarchal blessing! I've never sat in on someone receiving their blessing before and it was a super cool experience! It was also good language practice for me too.

This week, I taught at the Royal Academy English school again and it was rough haha. My role their is super weird because I kind of just go there, and the principle tells me which class to teach 5 minutes before class starts. I never know if I'm going to teach beginners or advanced students, and I never know where I will teach. Yesterday was a particularly rough day because the principle put me in a class with no whiteboards, no markers, no TV, no computer, nothing. And the students in that class were BEGINNER... they didn't even know how to say "I like to...". I was very stressed to say the least but we made it work. We ended up just ending class half way through and then talking in Mongolian which was fun. The second class was also rough because I again had no access to any materials (in a different classroom) so I made the class discussion focused. Thankfully these students were more advanced and understood about 60% of what I was saying. It was fun and we talked about the work environment.

Church English classes have been booming as well! I usually don't teach because of my royal academy assignment but when we have time we go sit in the class and try to converse and help the other teachers out as best as we can. The classes have gotten so big that we can split them now - there were 20 in the adult class and 30 in the kids class! It's so cute too because the kids always text me on Facebook and ask if I'm coming to class haha. I love the kids here!

I also went on exchange this week with Sister Egshiglen in Unur since she and I are both Stls. We had to prepare for Zone Conference which is coming up this Thursday so we spent the whole exchange planning what to teach. We settled on teaching about Finding because it's something our mission is not very good at with all the "anti proselyting" rules and stuff. But I think we came up with some awesome spirit led ideas and we are excited to give the training soon! Also, it was fun to be back in Unur again. I miss that place but I'm thankful to be in Jargalant this transfer because this is where I needed to be!

Speaking of Jargalant, we are going to have a baptism soon! We invited our newly found investigator Chingis Ah to be baptized and he said yes! He is so ready and so faithful. Since we started meeting with him, he has quit some bad habits he had, come to church every week, studied from the Book of Mormon every day, and prayed everyday. He is one of the few people I've worked with throughout my mission who is just ready to hear the gospel and accept it in his life. I am thankful to work with him and help him develop his faith in Christ. Please pray for him that he will feel prepared to be baptized! 

This week, I read in 2 Nephi 9 and it's becoming one of my favorite chapters in the Book of Mormon. This chapter perfectly explains why we needed an Atonement and a Savior. I shared these special verses with our investigator before inviting him to be baptized. It says:

21 And he cometh into the world that he may save all men if they will hearken unto his voice; for behold, he suffereth the pains of all men, yea, the pains of every living creature, both men, women, and children, who belong to the family of Adam.

22 And he suffereth this that the resurrection might pass upon all men, that all might stand before him at the great and judgment day.

23 And he commandeth all men that they must repent, and be baptized in his name, having perfect faith in the Holy One of Israel, or they cannot be saved in the kingdom of God.

I love my Savior! He is my light. He died for me and for you. He suffered for us so that we could live with Heavenly Father again. He had so much love for us that He did this. The only thing He asks of us is that we follow His Gospel. By having faith, repenting, partaking of baptism, and enduring to the end, He is able to help us even more. Through His Gospel, we become better people. I am thankful for His Gospel. I know that my Redeemer lives! I know that this is His work and through this work, all can be brought unto Christ. All will live again and have the opportunity to be with Heavenly Father again. I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ, amen. Have a great week!

Sister Potter


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