August also marked the first day of school for my kiddos. They were pumped & ready to tackle a brand new school year.
This year Taya is a Junior. She is thrilled to start some college courses this year via AP & Concurrent Enrollment classes with SLCC. She loves being in early morning seminary again (her choice) & is excited to be in the highest orchestra this year: Chamber Orchestra playing viola. She is enjoying her sewing & fashion design classes as electives next to all her college level core classes. And the highlight of this year is the fact that she made it onto the Ladies Ballroom team. She's been practicing super hard.
(& I've been learning how to do dance hair & make-up. . . first time dance mom here)
Her first competition is in September & she's doing great. She LOVES it.
Bladen is a Sophomore this year. He's got all of his core classes & is consistently staying on top of all of his work. He made it into Intermediate percussion ensemble this year & is LOVING it. He's actually playing more piano than actual percussion which makes me laugh, but I can see why his teacher keeps throwing him on piano. . . he's REALLY good. He's trying out social dance this year (ballroom) & seems to be enjoying that (as his final PE credit in High School). He was also elected as the high school esports team secretary & has been working hard as a leader of this team. He tried out for the team & made the JJV team which he is very excited about. His first tournament is in September as well.

Craiger is the king of the school this year as an 8th grader. . . his final year of middle school. He's in honors classes & was just elected as the NJHS Ambassador for the school. For his electives this year he chose cooking & childcare to broaden his horizons. He's really excited about those classes. He still love band & plays french horn beautifully. Outside of school, Craiger continues to do Civil Air Patrol where he is now a cadet tech sergeant & a flight leader. He really thrives in leadership roles. He's excited for all the fun opportunities he's going to have this year.
And Canyon started middle school this year as a 6th grader. He said it's been hard adjusting to having 8 teachers instead of 1, but he's loving being in classes with SO MANY PEOPLE (my social butterfly). He's making new friends left & right & he loves his teachers. His electives this year are orchestra & choir. He's the only string bass player in the orchestra.
(& he's one of the smallest members of the orchestra which makes playing bass HILARIOUS)
He is also in the PTSA student leadership & is loving his meetings during lunch where he gets to help plan all things related to the school like spirit days, fund raisers, lunch games, & more. Next week he is excited to take snacks to all the teachers during parent teacher conferences. He's such a cool kid.
And this "big kid" starts his 2nd year teaching at the University of Utah. He loves his job. He loves his cadets. And he's the best of the best at all he does. I'm so very proud of this wonderful man I married.
This year, Craiger's best friend from Germany moved a few minutes down the road & is able to go to the same school as Craiger. Now he gets dropped off at our house each morning so they can walk to school together, then he walks to our house every afternoon to do homework. He's my official bonus child for the year & I'm loving it.
And I love that my middle schoolers can WALK to school. It's great for everyone.
Good luck Potter Kids on another great year.