Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Disney Family Fun Nights

In August, we had 2 more Disney Family Fun Movie Nights.

Craiger decided to watch the classic: Peter Pan.  We all love Peter Pan.

He made Tinkerbell Shoes (grapes), Tick Tock Crock Punch, Navajo Tacos, & Pirate's Gold Cookies.

Trek had arrived home earlier that afternoon, & he made a mess on his first meal home.  We all had a really good laugh at that.

Craiger worked really hard on the cookies.  They were interesting. . . they used flour & cornmeal, formed into a loaf (?), & then he cut them into cookie slices & baked them.  They were actually really good.  I wasn't sure cookies would be good with cornmeal in them, but they were.

The following week, Bladen chose Big Hero 6 to watch together as a family.  Together we learned how to make "Aunt Cass's Melt Your Face Off Wings" (I've never made chicken wings before), Baymax marshmallows, "Hiro" Hamata sandwhiches, & "Honey Lemon"-ade.

All of it was fabulous.

My kids are not too fond of anything that has a bone in it.  I made them eat it & they admitted it was good, but they say anything on a bone is gross.


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