Tuesday, September 17, 2024

August Happenings 2024

A lot happened in August.  We had a lot of fun as a family as we prepared for a new school year.

My friend Lori Roswold visited us from Virginia.  It was great seeing her.

I had a lovely date night with Craiger where he caught me up on everything happening at school.

I took the young women of our church congregation rappelling.  I had forgotten how much I love walking off cliffs.  We had a blast.

I was SO proud of Taya for doing it.  She has a paralyzing fear of heights & she still did it.

Cadence & Amkaa went to CA to visit Opa & Oma & the rest of the family there.

And Lorien, Trek, & I went to the temple together.

I absolutely love my sweet family.  They are my everything.


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