Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Wisdom Teeth Adventures

With Cadence graduating this next year we knew it was only a matter of time before she heads off to college.  We wanted to make sure we took care of everything we possibly could as parents before she leaves so she starts her adult life on top of things without anything creating too many hiccups along her way.  We decided it was time to get wisdom teeth removed before school started so it could be done & over with.  Plus our insurance covered it so it was the perfect time to do it.

The problem is that we have to go to a German dentist office here.  They don't see military families on base so we have to adhere to customary German protocol.  Here, they do not put you asleep for wisdom teeth extraction.  I've been worried about this from day one, but Cadence didn't seem to shaken up by it, until the morning of surgery.  She insisted that I got to stay in the room with her, sweet girl.

So Cadence either doesn't have top wisdom teeth, or she's missing one set of molars & has her top wisdom teeth. . . the dentists & orthodontists can't tell which is true.  Either way, the "molars" on top that are awaiting their entrance into her mouth might be her 12 year molars & they might be her wisdom teeth, but either way, because she's missing one or the other, there's plenty of room for them to grow in easily.  So she only had to get her bottom wisdom teeth removed.  They were impacted & completely laying on their side so it was going to be a rough surgery.  But she was optimistic & smiling. . . I love her so much.

The surgery proved to be eventful.  I was able to stay in the room with her, but the minute the doctor took the scalpel & put it to her gums, she screamed out in pain.  I about turned into momma bear & went off on everyone in that room.  For some reason, Cadence has the same weird reaction I do to numbing medication.  Her left side numbed just fine, but they absolutely could not get her right side numb.  Poor thing.  She screamed out twice during surgery until they finally came up with the solution of giving her 3 shots to numb it for 30 seconds.  During that time they'd work as fast as they could on her tooth, & she'd hold her hand up when the pain got unbearable.  Then they'd do 3 more shots.  She probably had about 24 shots just on that one side of her face.  But she got through it.  The left side was a breeze.  She didn't feel a thing & everything went wonderfully.

She was such a trooper.  That was NOT fun at all, but she withstood all that was put in her way, she got out with a smile on her face & she's doing great.

We had a wonderful few days of liquid diets, watching nextflix & disney +, & girl talk, but now she's back to her normal self eating everything she loves, laughing, smiling, & being adorable.

Cadence is so brave.  You did awesome baby girl.

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