Wednesday, March 3, 2021

February Happenings

We had a lot of FUN as a family in February.

The biggest news of the month was that we officially have a COUGAR in our house.
Cadence found out that she's been accepted to BYU Provo & she has decided to attend.  She's had several college acceptances so far, but BYU Provo was her first choice so she is VERY excited to start her Computer Science career by going to school there.

The sun finally started to peek out of the clouds here in Germany after nearly 2 months of straight rain, clouds, fog, & darkness.  It's been glorious.

Now that Trek fixed up my new bike with an electric motor, we've been doing some longer rides together.  I love it because I barely have to do any work, my bike just takes me to the top of the mountain with minimal effort.  

However, our first biking adventure after winter craziness wasn't as great as we thought it would be.  Sure, the sun was shining, but it was only 19 degrees outside.  We bundled up & went anyway, & 8 miles into the ride, we could no longer feel our faces, fingers, or toes.  My lips were frozen to my braces, I had tears running down my face which were freezing into ice as they fell as the wind blew directly into my face, & we were miserable.  Going away from the wind was great. . . riding INTO the wind was awful.  We both thought we were going to lose some of our fingers by the time we turned around & pedaled the 8 miles back home.

We spent the rest of the afternoon drinking hot chocolate & trying to warm up our core temperature inside our beds with extra blankets, pillows, & heating pads.

Note to self: sun doesn't always mean HOT.

Craiger & Canyon both passed off some fun piano songs this month that they wanted to share with you.

Hip Hip Hooray for SCHOOL STARTING again!

Yes, it's February, but we've been in a COVID lockdown since the beginning of November & haven't been back to school since December.  For 9 long weeks the kids have been doing virtual school.  Six kids in one house is not ideal for virtual school.  We made it work, but it was tough.  We are stronger now because we survived it.

Boy were we happy to get them all back with their friends in their classrooms.  They are definitely happier now & I love the freedom to CLEAN MY HOUSE.

As the sun comes out more & more, Trek has been inviting the kids on his bike rides as well.  Bladen is becoming quite the biker.

And the HIGHLIGHT of the month for me was the fact that

Tony is our Italian friend that drives the gelato truck around our neighborhood.  Words can't even describe how happy I am to have gelato in my life again after this long winter.  It was just the pick me up I needed.  YUM!


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