Tuesday, April 5, 2022

Landsberg am Lech

Spring Break ended up not being what we imagined.  We had first planned a 12 day road trip through Germany, Austria, Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia, Hungary, & more, but with everything happening in the world right now, that got cancelled due to Trek's work schedule.  Then we planned a quick 5 day trip to Switzerland for some canoeing, ziplining, hiking, & ropes courses, but that also got cancelled due to a forecast of pouring rain.  Trek needed to stay fairly close to home because of work, so we settled on the Munich/Bavaria part of Germany for a short trip.  It too would be cut short, (COVID I'm looking at you!), but we did get a few days in before it got crazy.

Our short trip would up being an absolutely hilarious ADVENTURE.  There were many times we wanted to cry, but in hindsight, the entire thing was hilarious.  We first stopped in a small city named Landsberg am Lech.  I loved this "mutterturm" (mother's tower) that was built near the river.  The Lech River is gorgeous with it's cascading waterfalls, & the city itself is just cute.  There are 2 beautiful churches, some great shops & food, & just a whole lot of fun exploring.  It was pretty cold (about 35 degrees . . . what happened to Spring?), but the kids still had fun.

Afterwards, we drove about 15 minutes to our airbnb.  This is where the true adventure started.  "This house doesn't have heating. . . . I forgot to mention that!" said the sweet little old Oma who owned the house.  "Oh! And you can only use the internet in the bathroom!"  WHAT!?!?!  You should have seen the pure terror in my teen's eyes.  Freezing?  AND NO INTERNET?!?!  Who knew we'd spend our vacation hunting down firewood, branches, firestarter, & matches just to TRY to keep warm inside our hotel.  (PS. . . it didn't work. . . we did build plenty of fires, but the stove was way too small to heat 3 floors.  It was FREEZING.). I had to laugh with the Oma came back with some rubber water bottles.  "Fill these with boiling water, & put them in the foot of your beds at night to stay warm!"  See? Hilarious?  Well, in hindsight it's hilarious.  At the time we thought we were going to die.

I loved the cute colored houses everywhere.

Yes, that is a REAL skeleton inside one of the churches.  Creepy.

I love looking for the oldest building in every city we go to.  This one was built in 1523!

There were frogs everywhere near our airbnb house.  They were cute.

And here is our little wooden fireplace where we built fires every morning & every night.  It provided enough heat to keep us a little warm when we were sitting in the kitchen or living room, but anywhere else was frigid.  Always an adventure!!


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