Tuesday, April 5, 2022

The Deutches Museum, Hofbräuhaus, & Munich City Center

Day 1 of our trip was exploring near our airbnb, but day 2 was dedicated to Munich itself.  It was a wonderful day . . . I think it was my favorite of the whole trip.  The sun was shining, it wasn't too cold, & we were having a blast.

We started at the Deutsches Museum which is a very hands on science museum in the heart of the city.  The kids loved it.  It's insanely huge so we barely even scratched the surface.  We were there for several hours & only saw maybe half of the exhibits.  We loved every minute of it though.  We explored the boat area (& saw a German U-boat from WWII), we went deep down into several "mines," we explored machinery, metals, & the industrial revolution in Germany, then spent a good hour & a half just in the 3 full floors dedicated to Astronomy (for Craiger - our future astronaut).  The kids enjoyed all of the interactive fun they could touch while learning.

We stayed at the museum until the kids were so hungry, they couldn't stand it anymore.  (Perfect time for lunch.). We had a reservation at the famous Hofbräuhaus Restaurant downtown at 2pm so it worked out perfectly.  This building was built in 1589 & it is spectacular.  This is the "IT" place to be for Oktoberfest each year.  The first meeting of the Nazi party happened here in the beer hall, led by a rousing speech from Hitler in 1920.  Several meetings of the Nazi party met here.  Mozart lived around the corner & wrote the Opera Idomeneo after several visits.  And Vladimir Lenin visited on a regular basis before WWII.  It really has an interesting history.  Trek & I love anything full of history!

It was a blast!  Between the oom-pa-pa band playing oktoberfest music, the staff dressed in dirndls & leiderhosen, & the giant pretzels, we were in heaven.  We looked at the menu & pretty much ordered everything new & interesting on it.  It was a huge feast of all sorts of things from bread & meat to käsespaetzle (cheese noodles with fried onions) & schnitzel to bratwurst & meatloaf.  We had a blast tasting each & every dish!  (I love food!  I love trying new things!  We plan vacations around new foods so we can explore & I just love it!)

Bavarian Meatloaf & warm potato salad (both acquired tastes for sure . . . but I've had them both all over Germany & love them.)

Chicken, ragou, & bratkartoffeln (fried potatoes)

Käsespaetzle (cheese noodles with fried onions). . . my absolute favorite German food!

After lunch, we explored the main city center of Munich.  We shopped (hooray for finding a Lush store.  I LOVE LUSH!), climbed to the top of the churches, ran around the main market area, enjoyed the gorgeous town hall, & watched the marionette show at 5pm sharp on the side of the town hall.  (The show only happens at 11, 12, & 5)

By 5:30 we had walked over 7 miles & the kids were beginning to get tired, so we walked back to our van & headed back to our airbnb.  We started a fire in the wood stove & crowded around the ceramic part of the stove trying to warm our hands.  It was 30 degrees inside the house at this point, & I could tell it might actually SNOW that night.  IN APRIL!!  Lorien, Taya, & Bladen were cracking me up because I found them huddled in the tiny downstairs bathroom, blankets over their heads, shivering . . . but with 1 bar of internet so they could text their friends all about our adventures.  It was going to be a COLD night.


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