Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Canyon's NOVA graduation & Limo Ride

In April, Canyon had his NOVA graduation.  NOVA is a program all 5th graders do that teach them safety, friendship, acceptance, & following rules.  They had several fun projects to do over the 5 months as well like building a rocket, creating their own constitution, & more.  There were a few challenges as well.  The hardest was NOT looking at ANY screen for a whole 2 weeks.  It was hard, but he did it!

We are very proud of Canyon for completing this program.

Lorien & Cadence came up for his graduation & loved this bulletin board at his school talking about things you can be when you grow up.  "Chef" & "Computer Scientist" were both up there.  They thought that was awesome.

Canyon also had the opportunity to go for a limo ride with his principal & get a pizza lunch In the park with a few other members of his school.  He did really well helping with the school fundraiser & was the top "earner" in the school.  Other top earners & top readers were there as well.  They had a great time.


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