Thursday, July 25, 2024

Craiger's Last Band Concert

The day after Bladen & Taya's last music concert, Craiger had his at the middle school.  I am SO impressed with the music teacher at the middle school.  He's incredible.  I can't believe what talent he pulls out of those 6th-8th graders.  It's insane.

This last concert was movie themed & was fantastic.  All the songs were so fun.

My favorite song of the night was written BY THE STUDENTS!!!  They found an adorable little cartoon short on youtube & decided to write a "score" for it.  The whole band worked together & watched the cartoon several times & discussed what kind of music would be happening during the story.  They wanted to tell this story through their music.  For the concert, the band director played the cartoon short on a projector while the band played their song.  It was INCREDIBLE!

They also played the main theme from the tv show: "The Mandalorian."

And "How to Train Your Dragon."

"Wonder Woman" was fun. . . 

As was "Star Wars" 
(I thought it was fun that all 3 of my teen kiddos played Star Wars at their final concert of the school year.)

Craiger is getting really good at french horn & loves it.  He can't wait to continue next year.  We are so very proud of him.


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