Thursday, August 29, 2024

Craiger's Drone Camp - Price, UT

Craiger had a super busy summer.  First he had our trip to Aspen & boys camp in June, then Encampment the last week of June, & finally, in July he attended the CAP Drone Academy weeklong camp in Price, UT where he got to do aerospace studies, fly drones, & teach drone flying (since he has a drone technician license already through CAP).  He was excited about this one because it was in air conditioned dorms instead of in tents/barracks.

He had a blast signing in, meeting his roommate (who was from Idaho), & set up his dorm room for the week.

He was gone 5 days & loved every minute of it.  I drove down & picked him up on Friday at the USU East campus.

I can't praise CAP enough.  It's such a fantastic program to teach leadership, unity, working as a group, & learning things you'd never get to learn otherwise.  He had a great time.

We will definitely be attending this one again next year.

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