Thursday, August 29, 2024

July 2024 Happenings

July dragged by SO slowly, yet SO fast at the same time.  

Things always seem slow when Trek is gone & I felt like I spent most of my days at my parent's house helping take care of them. . . but we managed to take Taya to girls camp, Craiger to drone camp, Bladen & Taya to FSY, & 15 hours a week in play practices for Canyon.  Everybody kept busy so that helped make time pass for us.

I was heavily involved with Canyon's play all summer long.  I stayed for every rehearsal (about 15 hours a week), helped with filming rehearsals, helped the kids learn choreography, sewed costumes, & more.  My favorite thing I sewed for the play was the 18th century jabots (lace collars) for the Signers of the Declaration of Independence.  They turned out SO cute & they were a lot of fun to make.

We had a lot of visitors in July from Germany which was exciting.  The Thomas family came to spend one day with us & the kids were thrilled.  Taya's was excited to see her very best friend again.  The Thomas' have boys the exact same ages as all 3 of my boys as well.  We had so much fun catching up on life & just being together.  They were on their way to moving from Germany back to the states so I was thrilled they made time to stop by & say hello when they were in UT.

I also had the Gamble family stop by while they were here visiting family as well.  I taught 2 of their kids piano in Germany, then when they moved to Paris, I was able to continue teaching them via zoom.  We love them so much.  I miss my friends & love it when they come see us.

In some of the little free time I had, I dug out part of the front yard that was driving me nuts.  Weeds were growing like crazy & I couldn't keep up with them, so I literally dug out the top part of the lawn, put down good new soil, planted grass seed, & put peat moss on top.  The grass grew back BEAUTIFULLY.  I was SO proud of my hard work.

Between all the doctors/chemo/infusion/etc. appointments my mom & dad have had this summer, I managed to get a LOT of cross stitching done in the time I sat with them.  I finished this beautiful Hogwarts in a jar cross stitch over the summer.  I'm going to hang it up in the kids' Harry Potter bathroom.

Craiger worked hard on CAP studies in July.  He did over 14 experiments for his Aerospace Module #3.  He learned all about air currents, lift, pressure, & how air & weather effect flight.

My 43rd birthday was in July.  I'm not big on my birthdays, but my sweet kids did everything they could to make it special for me.   They put their money together & bought me a new computer chair (because my old one was SO old it was completely falling apart) & a Paris Disneyland castle cross stitch pattern.

Trek got me a Mickey Mouse rug for my room (which is ADORABLE).

And my friend Nancy sent all sorts of fun things that were so sweet of her to send me.

After opening presents, Craiger & Amkaa put together my new chair for me.

We had a birthday dinner at my mom & dad's house & my parents got me some mouse ear holders for my Minnie Ears & a beautiful jewelry storage box.  My brother Justin & his family gave me a new boardgame called Dixit.  It's a blast!  It was a great birthday!

We had lots of fun outings together as a family & I just loved spending time with my kids.  I love them so very much.

Oh!  And Craiger got braces on his top teeth in July.  A new start to a new adventure in fixing the Potter teeth.  Poor kid.  It's painful, but it will be worth it.

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