Thursday, August 29, 2024

Lorien's July FSY Adventures

The entire month of July, Lorien continued to work as an FSY youth camp counselor.  In June she was in Texas, but in July she covered 2 different college campuses:
Redlands, CA

While she was in Redlands, CA, she ran into some of our old friends from when we lived in Mountain View, CA.  It is SO FUN when you run into old friends, especially when you're not expecting it.  The two girls she ran into were Cadence's best friend's little sister & her best friend's little sister.  It's truly a small world.

She enjoyed all the wonderful co-counselors she got to work with in both CA & BYU.  She has such a fun month.

The best part about the 2 weeks she spent in CA, was that she got ONE DAY off work & they all decided to rent a car & drive to Disneyland.
It made me smile that that is what she chose to do on her day off.  I was so jealous of all the fun things she was doing & seeing there.  I miss Disneyland.

The very last week of July, she was back here at BYU in Provo.  My nephew, Korbyn had FSY that week so he saw her the whole week which was fun.  My sister in law took Lorien some cupbop when she dropped Korbyn off.  I love having family so close.

Korbyn got to spend one day at the MTC for FSY so of course Cadence, Lorien, & Korbyn all met up there since Lorien was there with her "kids"from FSY & Cadence was working as a Mongolian teacher.

It was a great experience for Lorien to work all summer as a camp counselor.  I hope she does it again next summer.  It was GREAT.


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