For the 3rd Day of Dragonsteel we went early because now that we understood the passports & cards, we were determined to fill every stamp so that we could get EVERY deck of cards we could, & in turn we hoped to complete all 3 sets of story cards along with the 10 heralds.
We quickly checked the schedules at some of the "areas" we hadn't gotten enough stamps at yet so we could plan our day around their panels so we could get stamps for them.
We got all those stamps including the difficult craft room stamp that was difficult to get. We found 2 sets of "ghostbloods" who gave us "wild" stamps where we needed them, & Jonah (who skipped the Michael Kramer/Kate Reading panel the night before) asked around, searched, & got every single stamp in the shop area including the 3 we didn't have. He took us directly to those 3 shops first thing & we completed them.
After going to several panels, shops, & the craft & game rooms again, we had every stamp completed in our passport books. We then got into the 2 hour line to get our cards. Yes, it took a full 2 hours. But between Trek, Lorien, & I, we got over 35 decks of cards which was AMAZING!
We went to several more panels throughout the day & in between panels we started opening & organizing our story decks. It was nice to have cards from Taya & Cadence (who couldn't go that last day), Trek, & Lorien with my own. . . & then Jessica & Jonah had a whole pile as well that we could trade with each other. We got all 3 completed sets by the end of the night. We were missing about 3 cards near the end, but everyone at the convention was trading to complete their decks & we were able to trade for what we needed.
We did NOT finish our heralds though. Cards 7, 8, & 9 were rare & so those would have to be completed later.
The last few panels of the day were great. We went to 2 or 3 with Brandon himself & we got front row seats for those which was AWESOME.
We also went to a cosmere timline panel which was really fun if you've read all the books. It was great.
I think my girls enjoyed the 2 "Intentionally Blank" podcast episodes they filmed while at Dragonsteel. It was just fun being so close to Brandon Sanderson & seeing him in person.
It was the weekend of a lifetime & I will 100% be going back to Dragonsteel as often as I can while living in Utah. This was amazing.
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