Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Concerto Night - Taya on Viola

In February, the high school put on an absolutely incredible Concerto Concert.  The high school selected several students on several solo instruments & had them learn, memorize, & perform an incredible concert level concerto solo accompanied by the Chamber Orchestra (which Taya plays viola in).  All the music, both for the soloist & for the accompanying orchestra were original music from the conductors & the skill level involved to perform these is unmatched.  I still can't believe a bunch of high school students performed at this level.

It was an incredible concert.  Taya didn't have any solos, but she did an amazing job as a violist in the accompanying chamber orchestra.  She had me film her 6 favorite numbers.  ALL of them were amazing.

Well done Alta High School.  You are AMAZING.


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