Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Happy 14th Birthday Craiger

The tail end of February, Craiger turned 14 years old!  He actually spent his birthday on a father/son campout in Moab, but we still celebrated when he got home a day later.

This was a big one for Craiger.  He's been trying to convince Trek & I how much he needs a phone (as a CAP officer in charge of many many things, as the junior high's NJHS ambassador taking care of many before & after school items, & as a leader at church leading things on a regular basis.)

We finally bit the bullet & gave him my old phone (I got the new Iphone 16E . . . the basic basic new iphone).  He was SO surprised, excited, & grateful to have the chance to be trusted with a phone.  We set a lot of limits & expectations to keep the phone, but so far he's done amazingly.

Nancy got him a bunch of new clothes & shoes for school which he always appreciates.

For his birthday breakfast we made him ultimate breakfast burritos, apples, bacon, & ding dongs.

We will be celebrating his birthday dinner at my parent's house in March with his favorite dinner (pepperjack chicken enchiladas) & then on March 15th is his birthday party with friends.  

Happy Happy Birthday Craiger.  We love you.


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