Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Happy 20th Birthday Lorien!

February is the month of birthdays at the Potter House!

Lorien turned a whopping 20 years old on the 21st.  We celebrated a little bit at my mom & dad's house a week before her birthday.  My parents got her a cute little sewing kit (because she was getting a sewing machine from my friend Nancy as her big present this year).

Then on her actual birthday, she came to visit from college.  She asked me to make her a Mardi Gras King Cake for her birthday cake this year which cracked me up.  She almost always asks for my peanut butter cake.  A King Cake is more like a giant oval cinnamon roll, but she loves it, so I made it for her.  :-) 

She opened a lot of fun gifts from my friend Nancy, including the sewing machine she's been wanting for a while.

We gave her some new work shoes & flats for church & a few other things she wanted/needed.  We made a yummy dinner & then had KING CAKE for dessert.

Happy birthday sweet girl of mine.  I love you.


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