Friday, February 3, 2023

Cadence - Та Баптисм хүртэх үү? - January 3, 2023

 Hi everyone! Sorry this email will be short because we spent pday touring a Mongolian Art Museum which was so fun! Art here is so beautiful and its been fun becoming more acquainted with the amazing culture. 

Things are going well here! We just put two young investigators on date for baptism! They are both so amazing and have such strong testimonies for being so young. They are eager to be baptized and we are so excited for them! The rest of our investigators are doing well and we just got a new one! She is the cutest and is very shy but she listens intently to our lessons.

We also celebrated New Years at our good friend's house and her family fed us the best pizza, cake, buuz, and chicken ever! It was awesome! We also celebrated my companion's birthday on New Years, so so many people fed us cake! People have big celebrations for the new year here so there were fireworks going off all night and families bonding together all over the city.

English classes have also been going well so far! Some of the students keep asking us to extend our classes to be longer because they are on winter break right now and are super bored at home. So we teach for 1 hour and then have a speaking club/uno club the next hour. One day, we also had a bracket competition for who the best avenger was. Of course, Iron Man won haha.

Its also been really really cold lately. I forgot to wear my thermals one day and it literally felt like my legs were going to fall off. I actually couldn't feel my feet for a while which was concerning. But no frostbite thankfully! 

With the start of a new year, I encourage you all to make some good New Years Resolutions. The new year is a great way to start over and make plans to improve. I can tell that this year is going to be a very good one! 

I was reading in Nephi 15 this week. In it, Christ says:

9 Behold, I am the law, and the light. Look unto me, and endure to the end, and ye shall live; for unto him that endureth to the end will I give eternal life

I know that Christ is our law and our light. He guides us by leading us and by walking by our side. I love my Savior! Watch The Chosen Season 3 if you have the chance! Have a wonderful week everyone!

Sister Potter

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