Thursday, February 9, 2023

Cadence - Гайхалтай 7 хоног - February 7, 2023

 Сайн байцгаана уу! Сонин сайхан юу байна даа?

This week has really been a wonderful experience! I have learned soooo much and have experienced so many wonderful gift of tongues moments! First off, we were able to meet two new members who haven't been coming to church in a while and catch up with them. They started coming to my English classes, mutual, and sacrament!! Also, our investigators are all doing so well! We gave our two new investigators Books of Mormon and they both cherished them with so much love. It was sooo cool to see the look on their faces when they got their own beautiful copies. They treated their books with so much care that it really inspired me to start cherishing and loving my own personal Book of Mormon. I know that the Book of Mormon is the most true book and that it is a very wonderful and powerful gift from Heavenly Father. So many prophets put so much time and effort into making it so that we could come closer to Christ. The Book of Mormon has been one of the foundations of my testimony of this Gospel and I am so thankful for it. Please cherish your Books of Mormon because they are a gift.

Also, English classes have been going well! We played a super fun game this week centered on the Lord of The Rings haha. It was a good game for practicing vocabulary and sentence structure and the students seemed to enjoy it a lot! I also taught them adjective clauses this week and let's just say that was a train-wreck the first time around. But you learn and you try again. Our next lesson on adjective clauses went super smooth and I know that Heavenly Father was opening their minds to understanding. It was a pretty cool experience too because, as I was planning for the lesson the 2nd time around, I was struggling to figure out how to convert the topic into Mongolian. Then I was prompted to open my MTC notebook and I found my notes from when we learned about how to make adjective clauses in Mongolian and it was exactly what I needed to use in my lesson. Using those notes helped my students understand the concept sooo much better the second time I taught it and I know that Heavenly Father was helping guide me through the Spirit to teach in the best way.

Nothing else really happened this week besides awesome lessons and fun mutual and YSA activities. I love the people here so much! They are just the coolest people ever! I love being here in Darkhan and I never want to leave haha. And its fun being able to communicate even better and connect even more with the people here. Yesterday, a dear friend from Unur called me and it was the coolest experience talking to her again because I actually understood and could have a conversation with her. Back when I was in Unur, I still didn't understand very well. I have improved a lot since then and I am so excited to see the progress. I know that Heavenly Father is helping me every step of the way and I am so thankful for Him!

I was reading an awesome talk this week for personal study called "The 4th Missionary" and it focuses on making the most of your mission and becoming the best missionary through your divine potential. One quote really touched me this week:

"Every challenge you face, every hard thing you confront, every bad thing that happens to you, every unfairness, every conflict, every sadness, tragedy, every disappointment and heartache, every temptation and every opposition happens for one purpose only: to give you an opportunity to respond by applying in your life the teachings of Jesus. As you do so, you are changed to become more like Him." - Lawrence Corbridge

I love this quote because it gives me hope that even when we are given challenges or trials, they are to help us grow and we have the strength to overcome them. Through facing our challenges with Christlike attributes, we strengthen our character and become more like Christ. It changed my outlook on how I face trials and I want to start focusing more of my efforts to facing those challenges in the most Christlike way I can because doing so will help me strengthen my character. I love my Savior and the example he has set for us. I am thankful for his Atonement and I am thankful that we all have the opportunity to follow Him. He is amazing and wonderful! This week, try to have an eternal perspective about your trials - recognize that they are given to you to strengthen your character and help you grow. Doing so will help you have a better mindset about life. I love you so much and I hope you have a wonderful week!

Sister Potter

The first pic is me questioning the Elders' existence

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