Friday, June 21, 2024

Cadence's Homecoming & Luncheon

Sunday, March 24th, Cadence had her Homecoming at church.  After serving a mission for our church, you return home & you speak to the congregation about your experiences on your mission.  She did an amazing job.

After church, we invited all of our friends & family members who came to watch her to our house for lunch, visiting, & seeing pictures from her mission.

It really was incredible.  I think we had at least one person from every area we have ever lived over the last 23 years there.  Some of these friends we hadn't seen in YEARS.  It was SO exciting.

One of Trek's best friends from High School came to see Cadence.

Trek's Uncle Donovan drove down to see us too.

A whole group of former Mongolian missionaries came.  These young adults also served missions in Mongolia with Cadence, but had gotten home a few months before she did.  She was SO happy to see them again.

One of the highlights of the day for me, was seeing a handful of my former seminary students. 8 of my students from Germany just so happened to be in Utah that day & they drove to see us.  My heart was so full seeing them as adults living life to it's fullest.  I'm so proud of these kids.

It was such a fun day.  I love visiting with old friends.  I miss my friends so much.


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