Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Taya's German Prom 2024

Taya went on a trip of a lifetime in April.  She has been working hard at Chick-Fil-A earning money so that she could travel back to Germany to see all her friends.  She saved & completed her goal.  I was so proud of her.  She arranged everything with her best friends & their parents.  Her friend, Ethan, even invited her to be his date to prom while she was there.  It was a like a fairytale.  She had so much fun.

She even flew all by herself for the first time ever. . . & it was OVERSEAS with a layover.  She did awesome.

Her best friend's mom picked her up at the airport & drove her to her best friend's track meet.  The reunion was SO sweet.

After the track meet, when she got back to April's house, there was a cute little "pill" container full of sour skittles waiting for her on her bed.

It was from Ethan formally "asking her to prom".  It was adorable.

Taya returned the favor & replied "YES" by surprising him at school with a sign & his favorite candies from America.

Taya got to say hello to our friend TONY (the gelato man) that drove the gelato truck to our house the entire time we lived in Germany.  I was so jealous she got to see him.

She spent 10 whole days hanging out with her friends, watching movies, going on dates, & just having a blast with everyone out there.  I was so happy she enjoyed herself.

The last day she was there was Prom & she felt like a princess in the beautiful German countryside.  Ethan was so very sweet to take her & they had a lot of fun together.  I'm so glad she has such wonderful friends.


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