Thursday, June 20, 2024

Istanbul/Mongolia Trip - Friday, March 15, 2024 - Going Home!

We woke up early, cleaned our apartment, & packed up all of our suitcases. Our driver picked us up right at 8am & it took us over 2 hours to get to the airport (23 miles). Our driver dropped us off & we headed into the airport with our luggage. About 3 minutes later, Trek realized he left his cell phone in the cab!!! We frantically tried to call Cadence’s friend who arranged the cab driver for us so that we could maybe get a hold of him to get Trek’s phone back. It was pretty intense, & we were worried, but then I felt a tap on my shoulder & the taxi driver was there with Trek’s phone. He told Cadence (in Mongolian) that he saw it as he was parking to get some food & decided to try to find us in the airport to return it. That man was a saint.

We checked our baggage (which consisted of some major suitcase emptying because Cadence’s bags were WAY TOO HEAVY), but we managed to move things between our 3 suitcases & it all worked out. We hurried to our gate & soon we were on our way back to Utah. Our first stop was in Korea where we had a 3 hour layover, then to San Francisco, & finally to Salt Lake City. Luckily, there were no problems & we arrived safe & sound & on time.

Opa & Oma had brought our kiddos to the airport with signs to meet us as we exited the airport. Carolyn & her kids & Justin & Cari & their kids were also there waiting. It was so fun seeing Cadence walk through that door & running straight to her brothers & sisters. Their first hug was the most heartwarming thing I’ve ever experienced in my life. I love that my kids love each other SO SO SO much. It was GREAT to be a complete family again.

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