Monday, June 17, 2024

Istanbul/Mongolia Trip - Wednesday, March 13, 2024 - Mongolia Day 2 - Mountain Monastery

We hopped in the van & drove another 30 minutes & found ourselves at “turtle rock” (which is a famous landmark in Mongolia. We took some pictures & continued driving up into the snowy Mongolian Mountains. I will say, we were blessed the entire time we were in Mongolia when it comes to the weather. Where the temperatures had been in the -30’s & -40’s, while we were there it was 15-30 degrees the entire time which is completely doable for me. Had we been in the -40’s I might have not survived.

My sweet cousin mailed Cadence a painted rock that was painted by a young girl they knew very well who recently died of cancer. This little girl had dreams of traveling the world & before she passed away. She painted rocks & asked her family to put them in specific places all around the world after she died so that a memory of her & her dreams would live on. This special yellow rock, she had dreamed to be placed in a place of peace in Mongolia. Our cab driver knew the perfect place for us to go, & drove us a beautiful Mongolian monastery in the top of the mountains. He dropped us off at the bottom, & we hiked through the snow & slush to the tip top to place this special rock for this special little girl. We placed it on a larger rock at the base of the monastery so that it was able to be surrounded by the peace of the monastery as well as the beauty of the tallest Mongolian mountains all around it. After placing the rock, we climbed the stairs to the monastery itself & enjoyed some solitude there. It was beautiful.

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