Tuesday, October 8, 2024

September 2024 Happenings

September flew by!  A new school year, new extracurricular activities, & a lot of craziness.

Everything was great, just busy.

With the new school year we always have new school pictures too.  I haven't gotten Craiger or Canyon's pictures yet, but I did get Taya & Bladen's pictures & they are adorable.

This month I took my dad to several doctor appointments.  He's doing amazingly well in his chemotherapy treatments.  Craiger made him an adorable alligator blanket to keep him warm during his chemo appointments.  My dad is so cute.  He's dealing with so much, but is holding up strong & we are so happy with the progress he's made.

I got to volunteer at the middle school & saw my sweet little Canyon while I volunteered.  Canyon is a rockstar this year.  The principal called me a few weeks ago just to tell me what a joy Canyon is to have at the school.  He visits the principal in the office most days just to see how he's doing, he picks up garbage in the halls & outside during lunch every day, & he's always helping round up the PE equipment after school.  We are so proud of the wonderful young man he's becoming.

With my dad doing a little bit better with his cancer, we've gotten him to come out & sit in the living room chair with my mom.  He hasn't done that in MONTHS.  It was SO nice seeing them together next to each other.  I love them so much.

I took Bladen out to dinner one night.  He wanted a Popeye's chicken sandwich so I took him to Popeyes & then to Game Stop afterward.  I enjoy these little moments with my kiddos.

Trek took Taya on a date to Chuck E Cheese which is hilarious (since she's 17).  They had a blast.

Craiger got inducted into the National Junior Honor Society again this year.  He was also one of 5 students picked to be a NJHS Ambassador for the school.  His teachers said he was one of the best of the best in the school.  We are seriously so proud of him.

Trek & I went out to a super fancy dinner (Tylee had given us a gift card for my birthday).  It was really really nice.  The food was awesome.

Bladen started putting together his computer in September as well.  He added his CPU to his mother board & put it inside his computer case.  I love that he's learning how to do things like this.  He's been working hard earning the money to buy each piece.  He hopes to have it all bought, built, & working by January.

Our sink broke in the laundry room & the boys helped install a new one.  I love it when Trek teaches our kids life skills that they'll use as they get older.

And that was our September! . . . now to enjoy the best month of the year. . . October!