Friday, February 23, 2024

Cadence - Zone Conference & Thanksgiving Part 2 - 12/5/23

Сайн байцгаана уу!

I hope everyone is having a great week! Sorry I didn't get a chance to write last week. My pdays this transfer have been by far the busiest pdays of my whole I don't get to rest much but I'm having a lot of fun with my missionary friends and catching up on souvenir shopping.

Now this past week, we had another wonderful Zone Conference! It was exactly what I needed to hear and I felt so inspired. We learned about becoming more exactly obedient and perfected in Christ. At Zone Conference, we also had another Thansgiving celebration! It was super fun! The senior couples made us homemade pies and we all got KFC. Mongolian KFC is literally the best thing ever so I had a great Thanksgiving! Now on to the rest of the week:

We had Zone Conference and then taught an insane lesson to our friend Munkh-Orgil. We've only met with him once previously because he goes to the countryside a lot but we had a new person come to our lesson as a witness. She's a cute old lady but she loves to talk so she ended up teaching our investigator the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd lesson as well as stuff about the Word of Wisdom, the Priesthood, and the Law of Tithing. So that was fun...

We just did studies, made a bunch of sugar cookies, then went address finding for a little bit. While address finding this week, we delivered the cookies and light the world cards to everyone. Then we just taught English and piano and those were by far some of my most fun classes here! We also had two referrals cancel on us today but we stayed busy with address finding to make up for it.

This day was pday and it was so busy so I didn't have time to write unfortunately. We went fabric shopping at a famous market called Narantuul. A member came with us to get us some awesome discounts on fabric, and now she is making a bunch of fun deels and ties for us. We also went out to lunch with some friends and went souvenir shopping. I bought a Mongolian nativity and it's so pretty!

Unfortunately we didn't get a chance to teach anyone today because they all canceled on us but we did some social media work, had interviews with President Namgur, and taught English and piano at the church again. Not many people showed up but the lessons were still fun.

We had an amazing mutual activity! When we started this transfer, only 1 person would come to mutual. At this activity, 13 youth came! We took them to a trampoline park and out to lunch and it was a blast! Then we taught two amazing lessons to our two amazing progressing investigators. Both have grown their faith so much over the transfer which is so exciting!

One of our investigators bore her testimony in church! The best part was that so many ward members complimented her afterwards and she felt so excited! Church was great and then afterwards we went to an LA member's house to try and teach her non member husband and inactive kids. Sadly they weren't convinced but I think they still felt the Spirit. Then we went home, did studies, and did some big planning as well.

We delivered more cookies to LA members and had a very confusing investigator meeting. Originally, we had planned to teach Munkh-Orgil a church lesson, and we brought a witness with us. However, he told us he wanted to pick us up and go to his house so we agreed. As he was driving us to his house, we realized he lived on a really, really steep, icy hill. So we had to drive up and back down the hill again 3 times because the car didn't have enough momentum to get over the hill. We eventually just got out of the car and walked to his house because that was easier. Then, we realized he lived with his whole family: mom, brother, sister in law, nephew's, we weren't sure if we'd be able to teach him a lesson or not. They offered us tea and other beverages we couldn't drink so it was a high stress situation because we kept offending them by turning it down. They also fed us liver dumplings and boiled sheep ribs and they weren't too bad. 2 hours later, we finally convinced them that we had to leave and our sweet investigator drove us home. So no lesson or spiritual thoughts were shared but we did build a deeper relationship with our investigator which was a plus!

This week, I was finally able to finish the Book of Mormon for the second time on my mission. This past read, I skimmed the whole book and highlighted all of references to Jesus Christ. It is so cool to go back and see all the yellow across every page. I know that the Book of Mormon truly testifies of Jesus Christ. I know that this is His church. I love these ending verses in Moroni 10:

32 Yea, come unto Christ, and be perfected in him, and deny yourselves of all ungodliness; and if ye shall deny yourselves of all ungodliness, and love God with all your might, mind and strength, then is his grace sufficient for you, that by his grace ye may be perfect in Christ; and if by the grace of God ye are perfect in Christ, ye can in nowise deny the power of God.

33 And again, if ye by the grace of God are perfect in Christ, and deny not his power, then are ye sanctified in Christ by the grace of God, through the shedding of the blood of Christ, which is in the covenant of the Father unto the remission of your sins, that ye become holy, without spot.

I know that through Christ's Atonement, we can be perfected in Him. I know that if we strive to love God with all our heart, might, mind, and strength, we can receive God's grace for us through Christ. My mission has been a humbling experience and one thing I've learned over and over again is that I can never be perfect...however, this perfection isn't about being perfect. It's about loving Heavenly Father and trying to be better with Christ's help every day. I have felt success on my mission knowing that simply trying and depending on my Savior is what is important. I love you all and hope you have a wonderful week!

Sister Potter


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