Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Lorien's Moving Day

August was Lorien's turn to move into a new apartment.  Luckily, she was in the same apartment complex, same building, just one floor above her previous apartment.  Trek, Craiger, & I drove down to help her move everything from one apartment to the other.

This time there are only 5 girls in her apartment which is awesome because it gives them more space in the kitchen for their things.  Lorien's 2 friends from Germany are 2 of her new roomates & she LOVES her room-roomate who was a girl in her previous apartment that she got along well with.  There is one other girl in the apartment, & all 5 of them mesh really well together.  I'm happy for her.

It was fun organizing all of her things & helping her find a new home for it all.

Have a great 2nd year of school Lorien.  We love you.


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