Thursday, July 15, 2021

Salzburg - Salzwelten Salt Mines

One of the coolest things we did in Salzburg were the Salzwelten Salt Mines.

We thought the kids would think it was boring, but it was SO MUCH FUN.  It was one of the highlights of our trip.

First they give us mining clothes to change into.  The kids thought we all looked like oompa loompas.

Then they put us on a train with our tour guide & took us 250 meters into the mountain (& 150 meters below the surface.)

It was amazing.  You could see the salt inside the bedrock.  It was beautiful & glimmered like diamonds.  Who knew salt could be so pretty?

There was a huge display of salt everywhere you turned.  The kids got a kick out of it.

As we walked deeper into the mountain, we got to cross from Austria into Germany while 150 meters below the surface.

One way they pull the salt from the bedrock is by mining huge caverns into the bedrock, filling it with water (like a man-made lake) & letting the salt dissolve into the water.  They then flush the water through a piping system out of the mine & into the salt factory.  There were several HUGE salt lakes in the mine.  We actually got to get on a boat & float across one of the lakes as part of the tour.  It was HUGE.

These are the pipes they use to fill those caverns with water to dissolve the salt, & then pull the salt brine back out of the cavern to pump to the nearby factories.

The highlight of the tour were the slides.  We had to go down to the lower levels, but the only way down was by using the miners slides.  They took you down several floors/levels very quickly.  They were steep & took your breath away, but we loved them.

They also let us all taste the salt brine from the lakes.  It was SO SO SO salty.  It was fun to see everyone's faces as they tasted it.

There have also been 2 mummies found in this particular salt mine.  Because of the salt content in the bedrock, the bodies of the dead were completely mummified & in really great condition when they were found.  (This isn't a real mummy, the real mummies have been removed). It's amazing the preservation salt can do.

At the end of our tour we got to sign the wall of the salt mine to show we'd been there.  The kids loved that.

I guess they took pictures of us going down the slides.  I forget that Taya absolutely hates slides, drops, & anything fast.  This picture was PRICELESS!!  Good for her for going down, even if she was absolutely terrified the entire time.

On our way out, the kids got to say hello to Sally the Salt Mine duck.

 This was a great tour.  I'm SO glad we decided to do it.

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