Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Egg Dying

What would Easter be without traditional egg dying?  My friend send me a typical egg dying kit from the states, but I also wanted to try doing it the German way too.  We also still have the egg coloring contraption my parents sent us a few years back too, which is still Canyon's favorite.

The American way is letting your eggs sit in cups of dye mixed with vinegar.  That's how we've done it for years.  It works & it's fun.

The contraption my parents send spins the eggs so you can use sharpies to draw stripes on your eggs. Canyon LOVES this thing.  The other kids like to do a few eggs on it too, but it's mostly Canyon's thing.

In Germany, they offer a lot of different ways to color your eggs.  Their egg kits allow you apply dye directly to the egg with a sponge.  It's REALLY fun, but REALLY messy.  We also got a foil kit so while the dye is still wet on the eggs, you rub gold & silver foil on them.  The German eggs turned out BEAUTIFUL.  I kind of like the new way better than the way we've done it before.  It's messier, but a lot more creative.

You have to wear gloves or you get covered in dye.

One striped egg via Canyon & his machine, & then a
simple pink dyed egg the American way.

The German dye kit allows you to put droplets of colored dye
on a sponge, & then dab your eggs with the sponge.  They are
beautiful & colorful.

Only my teenagers were able to get the foiled eggs to work.  They were GORGEOUS.

We had a blast.  Coloring eggs is such a fun family tradition.  We may be in quarantine, but we are loving all this extra family time.

Happy Easter everyone.

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