Tuesday, May 5, 2020

The Potter Egg Hunt 2020

Easter Egg hunts have always been a big deal in the Potter Family.  When I was a kid we had Easter Egg hunts, but they were small & nothing super memorable.  However, Trek's family is ALL ABOUT EASTER EGG HUNTS.  Their egg hunts are epic.  Trek's mom still to this day puts together the best egg hunts you've ever seen for the kids . . . & an even better one for the ADULTS.  We are talking about a THOUSAND + eggs filled with candy, toys, & actual money.

We are missing Oma this year.  Sometimes it's SO hard being this far away from family.  But we decided to do the best we could to make a Potter Egg Hunt memorable while still in quarantine.  I am the Spouse Group leader for Trek's squadron here.  I plan family & spouse activities & parties with some awesome friends for our entire squadron all year long.  We were supposed to do a huge egg hunt this year, but quarantine ended that.  I had bought hundreds of eggs filled with toys & treats for the squadron egg hunt & didn't know what to do with them all, so as a family we decided to hide a dozen eggs for each kid in our neighborhood.  We know most of our neighbors so we counted out how many kids lived at each house, & then hid eggs all around their front yards.  We were sure to wear gloves & the eggs were pre-filled (pre-corona virus) so I had never actually touched what was inside them.  Then we called each of them to let them know how many eggs were hiding in their yards.  The highlight of my day was listening to neighborhood doors swing open & hearing the excitement & laughter in the neighborhood as kids searched for the eggs we hid.

And then of course Trek & I hid a TON of eggs in our front & backyards for our kids to find.  These Potter egg hunts are competitve & usually involve stealing, sabotaging, & in some rare cases, tackling in order to get the most eggs.  It's all done in fun & laughter. . . it's what makes it funny.  Everybody always ends happy & full of eggs, candy, toys, & money.

On your marks. . . get set . . . 

After the hunt is over, we all sit together to see what everyone gets.  (aka to count the money to see who got the most.).  When Oma is in charge, there is always SO MUCH MONEY.  I swear she gets $200-$300 in just one dollar bills & puts them in eggs, & then there's always a $20 or a $10, & a few $5 bills as well.  With the banks closed right now, I basically scrounged what I had in my purse which was I think 7 $1 bills, a $20, two or three $5, & some Euro.  It wasn't nearly as exciting as Oma's hunt, but the kids seemed to enjoy it.

Taya found the $20 bill.

Canyon was the big winner of the day though.  He got the 20 Euro bill & the 10 Euro bill making him the money winner.

Cadence had a grand total of 2 $1 bills & a Euro coin.  We all laughed because Canyon got the $$$$ & he's the youngest & Cadence got the least & she's the oldest.  But at the same time, she got most of the chocolate so she wasn't complaining.

It was a lot of fun.  Easter is such a fun time of year.  We hope all our friends out there had a wonderful Easter holiday & fun filled egg hunts as well.

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