Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Aunt Kay's Funeral with Opa & Oma

Toward the end of June, Opa's sister Kay passed away.  She was the first of the 6 siblings to pass away.  None of Trek's brothers & sisters could go to the funeral, so I decided I'd represent our family & go with Opa & Oma.

They flew in to Salt Lake City & stayed Friday night with us (& took us out for the biggest banana splits you've ever seen!), & then we woke up super early on Saturday morning so we could drive all the way to St. Anthony, Idaho for the funeral.

We stopped by Opa's childhood home on our way.  It was really really cool to see where he & his siblings grew up.  We had heard the stories, but had never been there.

We arrived at about 10am & spent that first hour being with family.  All of Opa's siblings & their families were there.  It was great seeing all of Trek's cousins & their kids.  I've kept in touch with them all over text & Facebook so it was great being with them in person.  It's been about 20 years since I've seen some of them.

I felt so privileged to be included in the Potter cousin picture.  These are all of Trek's cousins on that side of the family.  Normally, Trek & his siblings would be part of this, but since none of them could come, they allowed me to be an "official Potter" for the picture.  I love them all so much.

After the funeral, we had a nice luncheon at the church building, then drove all the way back home to Utah.  It was a long day & a very emotional day, but I'm glad I was able to go support Opa.


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