Thursday, August 29, 2024

FSY - Taya & Bladen

Towards the end of the month both Taya & Bladen had the opportunity to go to FSY (for the strength of youth) camp. . . the same camp that Lorien worked at all summer.

FSY is a great opportunity for teens ages 14-18 to go meet new people, spend time on their own in a college dorm, read their scriptures & experience spiritual classes & insights, go to dances, play games, & so much more.  It's always been the highlight of the summer for my girls & I was glad Bladen got to go this time.

Bladen & Taya weren't in the same company so they were in different areas/dorm on campus & didn't see each other for most of the week which was good & bad.  I think it's good for them to be on their own a little bit (they are best friends & worst enemies so time away from each other is good).  I think they were a little sad to not be together though.  They really are super close.

Bladen was in Heritage apartments & had 5 other roommates in his apartment.

Taya was in the Helaman Hall dorms & she also had 5 other roommates.

To say they had fun is a complete understatement.  Bladen is quiet so I think it was harder for him to put himself out there & meet people, but he did & he had a lot of fun.  Taya who is a social butterfly was in her element & she told me this was the best week of her entire life.  She made SO MANY FRIENDS.  Usually when you make friends at these camps, you text for a little bit, & in time you lose contact.  Not Taya.  She's hung out with her roommates a few times & has really been hanging out a lot with a sweet boy she met there.  He invited her to his school's seminary dance & just this week asked her to Homecoming at his high school.  She is SO HAPPY.  She's been needing some good friends & this camp gave her exactly what she needed. 


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