Thursday, August 29, 2024

Canyon's Play Preparation & Parade

Canyon worked hard all summer long preparing for his play
Broadway Kidz Heroes & Legends.

Broadway Kidz is a wonderful non-profit organization here in the valley that has been doing kids' plays for over 25 years in this area.  The director, Kevin, has done this FOREVER & he is the very best.  He makes sure every kid has the spotlight at some point in the play.  He wrote the play & it's AMAZING.  You laugh, you cry, you get attached to what's happening.  He uses music from the last 5 decades which makes it fun for both kids & adults to watch.  The set pieces are incredible & the costumes are amazing.  It is a top notch show & I'm SO glad we got to be a part of it this summer.  We will be back next summer 100%.  Canyon is already talking about "next year!"

In July, we got to walk in the Draper City parade for Draper Days to let everyone know about the play.

Canyon got to ride in the truck, sing, & wave his flag.  He was SO excited.

It was a long couple of hours of walking in the hot sun, but I think the kids had a blast.

By the end of July, I had finished making/thrifting/putting together all of Canyon's clothes for his parts in the play.  He was in 10 numbers total with several solo lines & songs which was REALLY fun for him.

Canyon as a Signer of the Declaration of Independence:
"We're Not Gonna Take It" - soloist & lines
"Revolution" - dancer
"Electric Slide" - singer & dancer

Canyon as a pioneer:
"Rodeo" square dance - dancer
"Trek West" - actor
"Strong Enough" - soloist

Canyon as a Funky Dancer:
"Livin' in America" - Funky Dancer

He also wear the offical "Broadway Kidz Costume" in several numbers:
"Kids in America" - singer, dancer, announcer
"More to Me" - choir
"For the Glory" - choir

I was so proud of all the hard work he put into this play.


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