Tuesday, August 15, 2023

Cadence - 7 Хоногын Гайхамжгууд - June 20, 2023

Сайн Байцгаана уу ах эгч нараа!

I hope you are all doing well! This week was full of amazing miracles! It was sooo amazing! Last Thursday, we experienced two awesome miracles! First off, our Bishop told us a few weeks ago to reach out to this inactive member and her family and invite them to church again. We were so busy so the most we could do at the time was text them invites and inspiring messages (because they wouldn't pick up when we called them). But then we had some spare time on Thursday, so we figured we would deliver them cookies we made with an invitation to sacrament. The night before, our Bishop also told us to start teaching this young boy that was friends of one of our youth, so we set up an appointment with him in a few days. Fast forward to us delivering the cookies to the LA members. We traveled for 2 hours to find this house and finally found it. But we were knocking on the door and no one was answering! We said a quick prayer that someone would come and 2 seconds later, this teenager came out of the elevator. Turns out, he was the LA member's son. Turns out he was also the friend of our new investigator we had messaged the night before. And it turns out that if he hadn't come right at that moments and seen us, we wouldn't have met his friend or his mom because they were both hiding from us. But since he was there and called for them, we knew they were home so they had to come out and talk to us. It was so funny because they did not want to meet us. But we got to talk for a bit and give them cookies and meet our new friend and we invited them all to sacrament. And the best part was that they all came to sacrament on Sunday! So that was a miracle.

Our second miracle happened later that day. Earlier in the day, we were trying to find a place that would print off these English cards we made to advertise our English class. It was so hard to find places because everywhere we went, they were super sketchy or closed. Then we finally found this one place on google maps that looked legit and it wasn't closed. So we set off to find it. Fast forward an hour and we were still trying to figure out where it was. Google maps was telling us it was sandwiched in the middle of a square of buildings but there was no way to squeeze between the buildings to get to it at the center. So we prayed again for patience and strength because we were tired. Then we walked around the square one more time and found one single tiny alley way leading to the building and it was clear as day. It was as if Heavenly Father was lighting the very obvious path for us to the print shop. We went into the print shop and walked through the maze of floors and rooms until we found the place to put in orders. We talked to the desk ladies and asked them if we could print our cards and they said no. We were so upset that we traveled so far and so long only for them to tell us they couldn't do it. So, defeated, we left the office and on the way down the stairs, this sweet older lady started talking to us in English. She asked us some questions and asked about what we needed to print. We told her they said they couldn't print our business cards, and she said they were wrong. Then she took us back to the office and told the ladies to place our order right away. She sat us down, talked to us about our English job, and was just so kind. We got the order put in, but then realized it would be super expensive so we couldn't afford it. But then the lady put the order in at half the price! Then she sent us on our way and we got our cards for super cheap! So many miracles happened all at once and I know that if we hadn't run into her at that moment, we wouldn't have been able to make the cards.

So many more miracles happened this week too! We hit record numbers of people coming to church: 5 investigators, 4 new members, and 4 very inactive members came! I have seen how reaching out to others with Christlike love and invitations play a key role in making many people come to sacrament. I know that we have all been called to serve and love one another - even if you are not a missionary, Heavenly Father has called you to serve and love and invite. I promise that as you do so, you will see the light of Christ come into their life and they will be able to see and feel God's love more through you. It is a wonderful thing and it builds up our community and relationships.

I have also had the privilege to develop so many wonderful, meaningful relationships with many of our investigators this transfer. I have never felt such a desire to help bring people to Christ than I have this transfer and I have felt the true joy of missionary work! I really love the relationships I have had the opportunity to build with investigators, members, and my companion this transfer. It has taught me a lot about the importance of relationships in our lives. I didn't understand that concept before the mission but now I feel so blessed to have met so many amazing wonderful people!

Other fun stuff that happened this week:
- We put several people on date for baptism only because they want to go to Youth Conference this summer - then we will take them off date again (our ward leadership told us to do that :( )
- We made banana bread so much this week - I lowkey think I am addicted to it now haha
- My comp and I have started making more realistic KI goals and have seen the benefits in our work of actually trying to meet those goals with our investigators
- We ran the Elder's baptism for them (basically) and got to have one of my favorite people baptized!
- Our water turned blue this week so we couldn't drink it or use the shower for a while...
- Also we haven't had hot water in 2 weeks so we've been suffering just a little bit
- Mongolian ice cream tastes like sour grass (2/10 recommend)
- I have developed a hatred for the game Mafia - we've had 4 mutual activities this transfer where we just played Mafia and for some reason, Mongolians take it super seriously so each game usually lasts 1 hour...its still fun just boring haha

I just wanted to close with a scripture I came across in my personal study this week. This week, so many of our lessons were about the commandments, which gave me a lot of opportunities to study the importance of them. I found this amazing scripture that I love so much in Mosiah 2:

41 And moreover, I would desire that ye should consider on the blessed and happy state of those that keep the commandments of God. For behold, they are blessed in all things, both temporal and spiritual; and if they hold out faithful to the end they are received into heaven, that thereby they may dwell with God in a state of never-ending happiness. O remember, remember that these things are true; for the Lord God hath spoken it.

Through studying about the commandments this week, I learned so many important things about why they are important and my perspective of them changed a lot. Many people (myself included) like to think of the commandments as a list of don'ts - don't smoke, don't drink, don't speak vulgar words, don't gossip about others, etc. Some commandments also encourage you to do many things like studying the scriptures, going to church every week, loving God and your neighbor, etc. and many people become overwhelmed with all the "rules and restrictions". However, the commandments are not meant to be overwhelming or restricting. The commandments actually help us a lot and there is a reason behind every commandment. In fact, through following the commandments God has given us, we actually become stronger. Why do we follow the Word of Wisdom? Because it helps us avoid becoming addicted to the stuff that we eat. It also helps us practice being in complete control of our mind and body, giving us perfect freedom. Why do we follow the Law of Chastity? It helps us practice self-control and strengthens our relationships with others because through following it, we develop more trust in the people we love and more respect for ourselves and others. Why do we come to church every week? Coming to church helps us refill our spiritual "cup" each week after Satan and life have thrown their worst distractions and temptations at us. Church provides us with protection and relief from all the distractions of the world and helps us reset so we can start on Christ's path or continue on it. I am thankful for the commandments and for the protection they provide for us. I know that the commandments have blessed my life and they can bless your lives as well. If you have any questions for me, shoot me an email and I will be happy to answer! I hope you all have a wonderful week!

Sister Potter

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