Tuesday, September 12, 2023

Cadence - Elder Anderson! - August 30, 2023

 Сайн байцгаана уу! How are you all this week? This week was super special in our mission because Elder Andersen of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles came to visit us! Because of his visit, the whole mission got the opportunity to come together and meet with Him. He gave us some wonderful guidance and advice for how to improve as missionaries in this part of the world! One thing he really emphasized was improving our English teaching skills. He explained how our ability to receive investigators from our English classes is directly tied with our ability to shine Christ's light in our classes - so we must work on teaching to touch people's hearts, not simply to provide them with a service. He also taught us how to better teach about the Savior and help people become truly converted. Everything he said was so simple and powerful and exactly what we all needed to hear. Since then, I've felt more motivation to tackle the area I'm currently in and turn it into the best place I can. I felt so blessed to be taught directly by an apostle and it was such a cool experience!

Elder Andersen also taught two firesides here. The first was an interfaith fireside for all the people of Mongolia. We all invited as many English students and investigators as we could and had an amazing turn out. Elder Andersen ended up teaching over 600 people about the Gospel of Jesus Christ and what we believe. Historically, this was one of the biggest Christian gatherings in the country so it was pretty awesome! The second fireside he taught at was dedicated to the members in Mongolia. He talked about the importance of talking about Jesus Christ with everyone around us and explained the difficulties of building a church in such a difficult part of the world. He spoke on the importance of each member in Mongolia and the role they play in growing and supporting the church in this area of the world. Both fireside were huge successes and super motivating. Hopefully, this spark will help the church begin to progress more and more here.

Because all the missionaries had to go to the city to see the fireside, I got to run into so many people I've worked with in the past and it was one of the coolest experiences of my whole life! I ran into so many people I taught in the past who ended up becoming members! Some of them had difficult situations that I thought would prevent them from baptism but they endured with faith and were able to be baptized! I also ran into many of my favorite members in all of my previous areas and I felt so much love and joy to see everyone again. I have faith that this is what the celestial kingdom will be like one day. We will all be reunited with all of our friends we had the privilege to come across in this life. I feel so blessed to have met and built relationships with so many amazing, wonderful people. They have changed my life!

On top of all of those spiritual highs, we had zone Conference together as an entire mission! This zone Conference felt so special and spirit filled and I felt my desire to improve and work harder increase. I really truly want to become better so that I can help people and not waste the little time I have left. There is so much work to do here in Mongolia and I want to make the most of it and help as many people as I can! I had fun seeing all of my mission friends again and I even got to take a picture with my old mtc district again. It was fun to be reunited with them!

Work in Darkhan has been going okay. Our English classes are basically non-existent and nobody comes to church anymore but I have more faith and hope in changing that now. We are going to work hard to get things up and running again with the time we have left here. I am thankful to come back to this area and serve these people again. I am simply thankful for the work in general, even the hard parts. The mission is hard and lately I've been so tired but I wouldn't have it any other way because I feel and see the Lord blessing me and my family every day. He helps the people we work with and he helps us according to our faith. I know this to be true.

Other fun stuff:
- Got to ride the train to the city and back with all the countryside missionaries! It was a party
- My MTC district recreated a picture that Sis Greathouse drew of us
- I taught a training at Zone Conference with the ZLs about unity with members
- I got to shake Elder Andersen's hand twice
- I saw my favorite grandma in the city!
- We got to do a sleepover in my old area with my old comp and it was a nice flash into the past
- No one came to our English class yesterday....but we ate at a fun member's house

This week, in preparation for Elder Andersen's visit, I studied many of his talks. I studied one talk called "Trial of Your Faith" and I loved this one quote:

"How do you remain “steadfast and immovable” during a trial of faith? You immerse yourself in the very things that helped build your core of faith: you exercise faith in Christ, you pray, you ponder the scriptures, you repent, you keep the commandments, and you serve others. When faced with a trial of faith—whatever you do, you don’t step away from the Church! Distancing yourself from the kingdom of God during a trial of faith is like leaving the safety of a secure storm cellar just as the tornado comes into view. "

Recently a lot of people in our ward have been stepping away from the church because of the trials they are going though. Granted their trials are really really difficult. I sympathize with their hardships. But I also know that the Chuch was given to us to support and help us. Coming to church should not be a chore or a task: it is meant to help us by giving us peace, rest, support, and hope. When we go through trials, the best way to overcome them is to go to church, study the scriptures, and pray. These things are the best way to find help from the Lord. Many (including myself) often forget this and think that if we are too busy, we can skip the simple gospel things. So my new goal this past week and moving forward has been to grasp a firm testimony of this concept so that I can help others find the support and hope they need from God during the trials of their life. I know that the gospel of Jesus Christ can bless your life. That is why God gave it to us. Please turn to the gospel during your times of peace and times of trial and you will be blessed throughout each. I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ amen. Have a wonderful week!

Sister Potter

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