Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Speyer Technik Museum & Playground

On Saturday, we borrowed a wheelchair from a friend of ours & took all the kids (including Canyon) to the Speyer Technik Museum.  It was a very strange museum, not in a bad way, just eclectic. 

When we first walked in we found these fun little "ride tubes" that you climb into & put a couple Euros in.  They were like motion sensor rides that gave you a really good roller coaster like feeling for 5 whole minutes.  The kids love them.

It was already 11:30 & the IMAX showing of Apollo 11 was just starting so we rushed to the IMAX theater so we could watch it.  It was an hour long & was a documentary on the first moon landing.  The IMAX screen was built on a dome & it was projected on the ceiling so it was such a weird experience.  When the rocket was launching, you had to arch your head back to look at the ceiling & then the rocket wasn't a straight line, it curved with the dome of the ceiling.  Trek said it best, "It was a giant movie with a huge screen where it felt like you were sitting in the front row no matter where you sat in the theater."  All our necks hurt afterwards from having to look up from our seats.

After that we toured the museum.  It's a technik museum that we quickly learned meant "transportation."  I don't know what we expected, but there were trains, planes, & automobiles everywhere.

Most of the exhibits allowed you to climb stairs to go inside them.  The space shuttle, the trains, boats, & all the planes allowed you to walk through them.  Canyon can't do stairs very well yet, so I stayed on the ground with him while everyone else toured the big things.

The outside portion had HUGE boats & planes to look at.  We noticed a big metal slide coming out of the 747 so the boys went up so they could ride the slide down.  They said it hurt really really bad.  ha ha ha.

The 2nd building in the museum was the space area & Craiger especially loved this building.  He liked looking inside the space shuttle & exploring the space exhibits.

The kids started getting hungry so we stopped by the little restaurant there at the museum.  The food was pretty bad, but we just laughed it off & ate up so we could explore some more.

We visited a few more planes outside, then found an amazing playground just outside the museum.

This was the jackpot of playgrounds.  They had small kid areas, bigger kid areas. . . 

And RIDES!  Yes, you read that right.  There were actual RIDES in this playground.  DANGEROUS RIDES with no supervision whatsoever.  You simply put a Euro coin into the machine, sat down & pulled a string or pushed a button to make the ride move.  And these were AMAZING rides.

This thing was INSANE.  You put a Euro coin into the machine, sit down in the little boat thing, then pull the string.  The string pulls you up SUPER high, drops you at racing speed where you shoot off a ramp & into the lake.  Then the attached string pulls you pack to the starting point.  It's beyond hilarious.

All the kids except Taya & Canyon rode it & loved it.  They said it was fun by slightly terrifying.

Taya hates scary rides so we found a nice safe ride for her to use her Euro.

Trek & I found a fun ride to enjoy together as well.

At this point, Canyon's back was starting to feel uncomfortable in the wheelchair so it was time to head home.  We caught a few pics of the beautiful cathedral in Speyer on our way home.


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